Best way to keep draft beer tasting great.

Craft beer has grown in popularity over the past decade or so, with small breweries popping up all over the place, It is no surprise that some would argue that brewing a great beer is more than a craft, it is an art form.

A lot of time and effort is put into a great tasting draft beer, from the selection of the ingredients, to the way it is delivered to your local pub. Great care is taken to ensure that the beer in your glass is fresh, crisp and delicious. Unfortunately that is as far as the brewery can go to make your drinking experience as memorable as possible. The rest is up to the local bar owner that serves up your pint.

The journey! 

Draft beer has to travel from the keg, through beer lines and out of the faucet to reach your pint glass, potentially picking up a few things along the way. As beer passes through the draft lines it leaves a tiny bit of sediment behind. Over time this sediment will harden as it dries inside the line and is called beer stone. This can cause the taste of your beer to change, not to mention that some of that sediment can flake off and end up at the bottom of your pint glass. GROSS!!

The best way to avoid this is to have beer lines professionally cleaned on a regular basis and the system checked every few weeks. Cleaning the system will not only ensure to keep products tasting great, but helps save on loss of beer.  

So remember Reader, you work hard for your money and when you buy a pint of your favorite beer it should taste fresh, crisp and delicious every time. You should demand it and your local pub should be happy to provide it for you. If you aren’t getting a great tasting beer, their doing it wrong!